Emergency Dentist Manchester

If you have a dental emergency, book an emergency dentist appointment today with a Manchester emergency dentist. Private emergency dentist appointments can be made by filling in our priority contact form and our team will contact you ASAP to help with your dental emergency

New patients welcome

Don't worry if you haven't visited our practice before. Anyone can access our private emergency dental service

Experienced dental team

Our friendly dental team near Manchester City Centre will be glad to help treat your dental emergency

How can I make an emergency dentist appointment?

The best way to make an emergency dentist appointment today is to use our contact request form below or by phone on 01612735998

All emergencies treated

Whether you have severe dental pain or a social emergency like a chipped front tooth, we will do our best to help you

Private emergency dentist

Our online emergency booking appointments is for private dental emergency appointments

Private Emergency Appointments

Complete the form below and a member of our team will contact you ASAP to help with your dental emergency

Contact us

Get an emergency dentist appointment within 24 hours

We have a limited number of private emergency appointments reserved from Monday – Friday

Emergency dentist phone number

You can call us on 0161 273 5998

Emergency Dentist Manchester City Centre

You can find us in the Vallance Dental Centre, Wadeson Road, 0.7 miles from Manchester Piccadilly Train Station.

Opening Times

  • Monday 08:30 - 20:00
  • Tuesday 08:30 - 20:00
  • Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
  • Thursday 08:30 - 20:00
  • Friday 08:30 - 20:00
  • Saturday 08:30 - 13:00

Dental Emergencies

What is a dental emergency?

A Dental Emergency can be categorised as Critical, Emergency or Social.
Feel free to view our guide on What is Considered a Dental Emergency? For more information.

  • Critical Dental Emergency

    Critical Dental Emergency

    Critical emergencies are those that can be or may progress to be a threat to life. Go Straight to A&E if you have:

    • Facial swelling affecting vision or breathing, preventing mouth opening more than 2 fingers width.
    • Facial swelling affecting the eyes or causing tightness in the neck
    • Fever and high temperature due to a dental infection. Please see information from the Sepsis alliance
    • Trauma causing loss of consciousness, double vision or vomiting.
    • Heavy or uncontrolled bleeding
  • Dental Emergency

    Dental Emergency

    Dental Emergencies are time sensitive and would benefit from an appointment

    • Dental Pain
    • Broken tooth causing pain
    • Toothache disturbing sleeping, eating,
    • Swellings in your mouth caused by teeth
    • Facial swelling extending to eye or neck. If the swelling is causing trouble breathing or a high temperature please go to A&E immediately.
    • Bleeding following an extraction that does not stop after 20 mins solid pressure with a gauze/clean hankie. A small amount of oozing is normal, just like if you had grazed your knee.
    • Broken teeth due to trauma that didn’t cause head injury or loss of consciousness
  • Social Dental Emergency

    Social Dental Emergency

    Social emergencies are less time sensitive but still would benefit from an appointment

    • Loose or lost crowns, bridges or veneers.
    • Broken, rubbing or loose dentures.
    • Bleeding gums.
    • Broken, loose or lost fillings.
    • Chipped teeth with no pain.
    • Loose orthodontic wires.

What pain relief can I take for toothache?

You can take painkillers or take local measures by placing anaesthetic gels or desensitising toothpaste on the affected tooth

  • Painkillers


    Anti-inflammatories (like ibuprofen) can help reduce sensitivity from teeth. Combining paracetamol and ibuprofen has also been shown to be effective.

    For dental pain relief we recommend paracetamol and ibuprofen if you are able to take them.

    Do not take ibuprofen if you are allergic,  pregnant, have asthma or any other conditions

    Painkillers should always be taken in accordance with instructions on the packet. Taking too many tablets, or taking medications incorrectly will not improve your symptoms, and can cause serious stomach and liver injury which can be life threatening.

    A doctor or pharmacist will be able to advise and prescribe stronger pain relief if necessary

    Do not increase the dosage of any pre-prescribed medications without discussing with a doctor or dentist first.

    Do not hold tablets in your cheek next to the tooth as this can cause a chemical burn to the gum

  • Local measures

    Local measures

    If the tooth is extremely sensitive to hot or cold, antibiotics will not help. The decay must be removed and filled. If the pain is severe then it means the nerve is affected and you require removal of the nerve. The procedure carried out at an emergency appointment is called a “pulp extirpation”. Following this treatment you would require a root canal treatment

    These home measures may help make symptoms manageable until care can be accessed:

    Desensitising/sensitive toothpaste (like sensodyne repair and protect) can help. Rub toothpaste directly on the affected area and do not rinse afterwards. Anaesthetic gel such as Orajel can help ease pain. Good cleaning with fluoride toothpaste and reducing sugar intake will help stop decay from getting any worse.

Advice for dental emergencies

If you have a dental emergency we have listed some self-care advice which may be useful until you can get an emergency dentist appointment

  • Toothache caused by decay

    Toothache caused by decay

    If the tooth is extremely sensitive to hot or cold, antibiotics will not help. The decay must be removed and filled. If the pain is severe then it means the nerve is affected and you require removal of the nerve. The procedure carried out at an emergency appointment is called a “pulp extirpation”. Following this treatment you would require a root canal treatment

    These home measures may help make symptoms manageable until care can be accessed:

    Desensitising/sensitive toothpaste (like sensodyne repair and protect) can help. Rub toothpaste directly on the affected area and do not rinse afterwards. Anaesthetic gel such as Orajel can help ease pain. Good cleaning with fluoride toothpaste and reducing sugar intake will help stop decay from getting any worse.

  • Wisdom tooth pain

    Wisdom tooth pain

    Wisdom tooth pain is usually due to inflammation of the gum over the erupting tooth, which can be worsened by trauma from biting.

    Most flare ups can be managed with good home care and should settle in a few days to a week:

    Excellent cleaning (even if it is painful to brush, the area must be kept clean to encourage healing)

        • Corsodyl mouthwash (avoid use for more than 1 week as may cause staining of the teeth)
        • Soft diet (soft food will reduce trauma from biting)
        • Painkillers (ibuprofen or paracetamol following packet instructions)
        • Warm salty mouthwash
  • Pain or bleeding after an extraction

    Pain or bleeding after an extraction

    You could potentially have a dry socket if you have pain following an extraction.

    Continue to take regular painkillers for several days after extraction, it is normal for the pain to be at its worst at day 3-4.

    We cannot provide antibiotics for pain after extractions unless infection is present. We also cannot prescribe antibiotics over the phone without seeing you in person.

    If you smoke or rinse too soon after an extraction, you risk a dry socket. This can be very painful and regular painkillers are unlikely to be effective. You should call your dentist for an emergency appointment.

    Some pink spit/oozing is normal after an extraction, but if the socket is bleeding freely, bite hard on gauze or a clean hankie for 20 minutes (as in the picture above). If bleeding has not stopped, call your dentist.

  • Bleeding Gums

    Bleeding Gums

    Bleeding from gums is often not a dental emergency.

    Bleeding gums are usually due to gum disease, and will not stop until brushing improves. Brush 2x a day with fluoride toothpaste for 2 minutes, concentrating especially on the areas that are bleeding. Use floss or te-pe brushes to clean between your teeth every day.

    Corsodyl mouthwash can be helpful if used twice a day (avoid use for more than 1week as may cause staining)

  • Mouth Ulcers

    Mouth Ulcers

    Although painful, most ulcers will heal within 7-10 days. Non-healing ulcers/oral lesions present for more than 3 weeks should be assessed by a dentist or doctor.

    Warm salty mouthwash 4 times per day

    Excellent cleaning (even if it is painful to brush, the mouth must be kept clean to encourage healing and prevent more ulcers forming. Be gentle and use a soft/baby toothbrush).

    Difflam (Benzydamine) spray or mouthwash as needed.

    Soft diet (soft food will reduce trauma from biting)

    Painkillers (ibuprofen or paracetamol following packet instructions)

  • Hole in Tooth

    Hole in Tooth

    If there is a hole in the tooth, or a tooth has cracked and is now sensitive/sharp, a temporary filling can be packed into the space.  A cavity in the tooth is often caused by decay. The temporary filling doesn’t remove the decay so doesn’t solve the source of the problem. Sometimes covering the hole with temporary filling material can reduce sensitivity. Do not use temporary filling material if you have a swelling or infection as this could trap the infection inside the tooth

    These are widely available from supermarkets and pharmacies. For example:

  • Lost Crown

    Lost Crown

    You can temporarily put a crown back in yourself with temporary crown cement from boots, superdrug or online. For example :

      1. Clean and check the crown. If the crown is mostly hollow, you can attempt to re-cement it at home if you feel confident to do so. If the crown is out of your mouth for an extended period of time (more than a few days) it may not fit and you may have to pay for a new one to be made in the future.
      2. Remove any debris from the crown, you can use something like the tip of a paperclip to scrape the old cement away. Clean your tooth thoroughly. All debris must be removed from both the crown and the tooth for it to seat properly.
      3. Check the crown fits without cement. Check that the bite feels correct, if the tooth feels too tall, it is not fitted correctly, double check for debris. NEVER force a crown or post onto or into your tooth, this can cause the root to fracture. If you cannot get the crown to fit, keep the tooth as clean as possible and wait to see your dentist.
      4. Crowns should be replaced using a dental cement from a pharmacy like Recapit. DO NOT USE SUPERGLUE or FIXADENT to fit your crown.
      5. Once you are have practiced placing the crown, dry the tooth and crown, mix the cement as instructed on the packet and fill the crown. Place the crown directly onto the tooth. Bite firmly to press it into place.
      6. Remove any extra cement with a toothpick and floss between your teeth to make sure they do not stick together.
  • Rubbing Dentures

    Rubbing Dentures

    (Denture adhesives like fixodent may help secure a loose denture. Any sharp edges can be removed using an emery board. Remove dentures when possible if causing trauma.)

    Corsodyl mouthwash (avoid use for over 1 week as may cause staining)

Things to avoid in a dental emergency

There are a few key things to avoid making your dental emergency worse

  • Don’t place a warm compress on a facial swelling eg. hot water bottle, warm towel as this will increase the size of the swelling
  • Don’t use alcohol to medicate for pain relief
  • Do not take medication prescribed for someone else
  • Do not hold tablets in your cheek next to the tooth as this can cause a chemical burn to the gum

How Much is a Dental Emergency Treatment?

Many patients want to know the emergency dentist cost. You will find many dentists advertise only the consultation fee or state that treatment is “from” a certain amount. This often leads to shocks and surprises as the treatment you need costs over £300 and the emergency dentist appointment cost is much higher than you thought.

We aim to provide complete transparency in our prices so there aren’t any shocks or surprises.

Many dentists will explain that they can’t provide a price over the phone as it depends upon what treatment you need and each case is different. This is true but broadly speaking the treatment carried out at emergency appointments tends to be limited to small number of treatments. We will do our best to describe the emergency treatment in the next section. Our prices are as follows:

Our Private Emergency Dentist appointments can be booked by completing a priority contact form and a member of our team will reach out to you ASAP. We will explain the dentist emergency appointment cost for those who are wondering how much is an emergency dental appointment

  • Private Emergency Consultation

    This initial fee secures the appointment and covers your Assessment, x-rays and any advice given. We take this fee when you make the appointment. This fee is kept if you cancel with less than 24 hours or miss your appointment

    £50 View Prices

    Emergency Consultation – £50

  • Private Emergency Treatment

    This list shows the treatment carried out at over 90% of emergency appointments. It is not an exhaustive list of all treatments available but aims to give you transparency in our prices.

    £45-£195 View Prices

    These fees are in addition to your consultation fee

    Extraction – £195

    Root Canal Treatment 1st Stage – £195

    (Also known as a pulp extirpation)

    Temporary Filling – £95

    Permanent Filling – From £145

    Prescription – £45

    Wisdom tooth pericoronitis treatment – £75

    Recement Crown or Veneer – £75

  • NHS urgent appointment

    NHS urgent treatment –

    This is available to patients currently registered with us and can only be made by telephone


Emergency Dental Services Available

In this section we will do our best to describe the most common treatments carried out at emergency dentist appointments.

  • Tooth Extraction

    Tooth Extraction

    If your tooth cannot be filled or you do not wish to keep the tooth, then often a tooth extraction is needed. At the Vallance Dental Centre we are able to carry out almost all tooth extractions at emergency appointments. The reason we say “almost all” is that there are a small number of teeth that are more challenging to remove and may require the attention of a surgeon. Our emergency dentists are experienced in tooth extraction and only the most difficult of cases will need referral to a surgeon. In the unlikely circumstance that we we aren’t able to extract the tooth, we will still be able to provide alternative treatment to relieve your pain and get you seen by a surgeon as soon as possible.

  • Root Canal Treatment first stage

    Root Canal Treatment first stage

    If you have problems with a dying or dead nerve of a tooth then a Root Canal Treatment is needed. At an emergency appointment usually the first stage of a Root Canal Treatment is performed. This treatment is called a pulp extirpation.

    Broadly speaking, a pulp extirpation is often carried out in 2 circumstances

    1. You have severe nerve pain in a tooth that more than a few minutes or is constant, that is made worse with hot and cold things. In this case your nerve is in the process of dying and causing severe pain
    2. You have a constant ache in the tooth which is made worse through biting. In this case, your nerve inside your tooth dead and likely infected

    If this treatment is required, first the tooth is numbed using local anaesthetic and then the pulp chamber is cleaned out, any root canals identified the inside of the tooth are identified. The inside of the tooth is then disinfected to remove any infection and a sedative medication placed inside the tooth to allow the tooth to recover.

    After this treatment, a follow up appointment would be required with a dentist or root canal specialist to complete the root canal treatment at further cost.

  • Fillings - Temporary or Permanent

    Fillings – Temporary or Permanent

    If your tooth is broken and the nerve isn’t affected by pain lasting more than a few seconds then we can provide a filling for you.

    Hopefully your tooth can be fixed with a permanent filling and if this is the case we will offer that to you.

    Sometimes teeth are badly broken and would require something more substantial like a crown or an onlay then we can provide a temporary filling until this more lengthy procedure can be completed.

  • Wisdom Tooth problems

    Wisdom Tooth problems

    A wisdom tooth can cause infection in the gum around the tooth, this is called pericoronitis. In this situation a dentist would often clean the gum around the area using some disinfectant and prescribe antibiotics if there is swelling and spreading infection present.

  • Antibiotics and drainage of infection

    Antibiotics and drainage of infection

    If you have a facial swelling or spreading infection then drainage of the infection and antibiotics is the best treatment to be provided with. There is a common misconception that nothing can be done inside the mouth when infection is present. The best way to relieve pain and allow any antibiotics to work is to relieve the pressure and allow the infection to drain away. The infection can be drained by:

    1. Extracting a tooth that is causing the infection
    2. Making a small incision in the gum (after numbing!) to allow the infection to flow out
    3. Using a dental drill to create an opening in the tooth to allow the infection to flow out
  • Recementing crowns and veneers

    Recementing crowns and veneers

    If your dental crown or veneer has come off the first thing to check for is if the tooth is in good condition underneath and that there are no pieces of tooth broken off inside the crown or veneer. This is what you should look for-

    If the tooth underneath is still in tact then it can often be recemented in place. It is important to remember that a crown or veneer that has been recemented often will not stick quite as well as when it first was placed.


You’re in Safe Hands

Meet the Emergency Dental Team

  • Darren Wilkinson

    I have worked at the Vallance Dental Centre for the last 10 years and imagine I will remain here for the rest of my working life. I left the University of Manchester in 2009 graduating as a dentist & winning the prestigious Charles Preston Prize. I am very proud to be a part of a practice which embraces and celebrates such a broad spectrum of ethnic, cultural and economic diversity and treats everybody with the dignity and respect they deserve.  It is great to be part of a practice with such a great ethos and the will to give something back.

    • BDS (2009), PgCert Dental Education
    • Registration number: 177464
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  • George Cheesman

    Having graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2021 I joined the team at Vallance. It has been a long-time dream of mine to combine my passion for healthcare and practical tasks, and a degree in dentistry has allowed me to do that. I always endeavour to provide the highest quality care for all my patients using techniques backed up by evidence. Other than dentistry, my interests include keeping fit, travelling, and eating good food!

    • BDS Bachelor in Dental Surgery
    • Registration number: 296606
    • University of Liverpool
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  • Isabella Parkes

    I graduated Manchester Dental School in 2016 and joined The Vallance Dental Centre in 2022. I enjoy practicing general dentistry and easing concerns of children and anxious adults alike. I am a qualified Invisalign and tooth whitening provider. I also practice facial aesthetics and have great results with Botulinum toxin and filler, offering natural enhancements. In my spare time I enjoy playing golf and travelling.

    • BDS (2016)
    • Registration number: 264509
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  • Amy Parr Young

    I graduated from Manchester Dental School in 2009, and worked in London for a number of years before moving back to Manchester. I completed the post graduate qualification MJDF with the Royal College of Surgeons, and obtained a Post Graduate Certificate in Restorative Dentistry at the Eastman Dental Institute. I find it very rewarding seeing nervous patients and building up their confidence in having dental treatment. I like building trust and connections with people to make dental treatment a more enjoyable experience.

    • BDS (2009) PG Cert (Rest)
    • Registration number: 177587
    • The University of Manchester, Eastman Dental Institute
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  • Hareem Hadi

    After graduating with BSc (Hon) in Biomedical Science in 2008, I completed Dentistry from Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Exeter and Plymouth in 2013. I have since worked in a range of dental practices across Greater Manchester, serving both NHS and private patients.I am truly passionate about helping my patients to improve all aspects of their oral health. I will always endeavour to deliver the best care to my patients providing ethical general dentistry with a focus on patient education and prevention.In my spare time I enjoy baking, a foodie and enjoy spending time with my young family.

    • BSc (Hons) BDS
    • Registration number: 244786
    Read More

Schedule Your Emergency Appointment

The quickest way to book your appointment is through our appointment priority contact form and a member of our team will reach out to you ASAP.

You can also telephone us any Monday – Friday from 8:30am until 8pm Wednesday until 5:30pm and Saturday until 1pm on 0161 273 5998 and speak to a member of our reception team.

What customers say about us.

The Vallance Dental Centre IconThe Vallance Dental Centre

Brunswick Street, Manchester

4.8 ★★★★★ 930 reviews

  • Avatar Isabelle Heranval ★★★★★ a month ago
    Had check up and review and clean appointments with Tiphanie (assisted by Catherine) and both were a delight to be around. Tiphanie took the time to explain everything thoroughly and was very gentle.
  • Avatar Paul ★★★★★ a month ago
    My first visit to the dentist in over twenty years so was quite nervous. Amy and Pauline made me feel very comfortable and were professional throughout. Thank you
  • Avatar John ★★★★★ a month ago
    Just had my 6 month check up with Amy & Pauline. What can i say two lovely people very easy to talk to, never feel judged. Going to the dentist can be traumatising for some but with lovely staff like Amy & Pauline and the reception ladies its a very pleasant experience thank you. Have a lovely Christmas everyone, i hope you enjoy that cake 🤣. See you soon ✌️
  • Avatar Bolshevik ★★★★★ a month ago
    Just had my 6 month check up with Amy & Pauline. What can i say two lovely people very easy to talk to, never feel judged. Going to the dentist can be traumatising for some but with lovely staff like Amy & Pauline and the reception ladies its a very pleasant experience thank you. Have a lovely Christmas everyone, i hope you enjoy that cake 🤣. See you soon ✌️
  • Avatar Felix Olawuni ★★★★★ 2 months ago
    My experience in Vallance dental centre was fantastic. The dentist was amazing because she was sure of her work. I really appreciate her and her assistant. I will definitely recommend the practice to anyone who needs a professional dental care. Thanks.
  • Avatar Wendy Wilson ★★★★★ 2 months ago
    I visited yesterday for my six month check up. As always reception was very helpful.
    My dentist, Amy, is amazing. I have been seeing her for a year now and I am delighted. I also saw Catherine and Megan, who were so helpful and kind.
    As always this was a really pleasant dental experience.